Papering over the cracks in the wall where the world creeps in
A hot cup of coffee, fairy-tale cakes and the sun shines in
Sunday mornings out in the potting shed
Reality rhymes with a watercolour flower bed
Mr Goodman closed his eyes and the world was warmer
He did not notice that the dream was over
Oh! Mr Goodman!
Happy to bury your head in the sand
But he's a nice guy, a fine fellow, decent chap, a good egg
Upstanding, ethical, principled, not radical
He swears blind everything's coming up roses
Everything's gonna be fine, everything's coming up roses
Mr Goodman hides
Mr Goodman turns a blind eye
Happy just to let it be
It'll all work out for the better
Just you wait and see
Mr Goodman asks no questions
Mr Goodman hears no lies
Such a lucky man
Cos he's straightforward, upright, honest and dependable
He's true, incorruptible and bloody well respectable
He swears blind everything's coming up roses
Everything's gonna be fine, everything's coming up roses
Mr Goodman hides
Oh oh Mr Goodman
Pulling the wool right over his own eyes
Everything's coming up roses
Mr Goodman hides